October 11, 2023


Are you an engineer, a manager, a medical practitioner, a lawyer, or any professional? Regardless of your specialisation, there is a common interest in your decision to earn a Master of Business Administration and follow one of the many high-demand MBA career paths in high-growth industries. The main reason for the enduring interest in earning...
In the heart of Malaysia’s bustling manufacturing sector, where the hum of machinery blends with the pulse of economic growth, a revolutionary research project has been undertaken. Driven by the urgent need to combat high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with mechanical cooling systems, this research delves deep into the realm of natural...
With enthusiasm as their guiding light, 13 students from the Theories of Learning Class stepped into the realm of mentorship, actively engaging with the pupils of SMK Sinar Bintang. Under the guidance of Priscilla Malar Lawrence and Pavitra Muniandy, these students not only attended the psychology talk but also took the lead in facilitating discussions....
The campaign culminated in a physical main event held at the vibrant Upper Atrium, Level UG, Paradigm Mall. On the pivotal day of 20th May 2023, the venue buzzed with activity from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, echoing the spirit of hope and solidarity. Five insightful health talks, focusing on suicide prevention and drug use,...
