SEGi Forges Academic Collaboration with Nichi-Asia Life Science

In a significant stride toward fostering collaborative initiatives in academia and research, SEGi University and Nichi-Asia Life Science Sdn. Bhd. (NiSCELL) joined hands in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing ceremony. The event, scheduled for the 13th of December 2023 at 3:00 pm, unfolded within the esteemed halls of SEGi University, with a particular focus on the Faculty of Dentistry.

The primary objective of this MOA is to initiate and strengthen cordial relations and collaboration between SEGi University and NiSCELL. Both institutions are committed to developing a robust academic and research partnership, focusing on areas of mutual interest and benefit for both parties.

The collaboration holds the promise of opening new avenues for academic exchange, research endeavors, and shared knowledge between SEGi University and NiSCELL. This MOA signifies a commitment to excellence in education, research, and innovation, reflecting the shared values and aspirations of both institutions.

As the ceremony unfolds on the 13th of December, it marks a significant milestone in the journey of SEGi University and NiSCELL toward creating a collaborative environment that will undoubtedly contribute to advancements in the field of dentistry and beyond. The Faculty of Dentistry, as a focal point for this collaboration, stands poised to witness the positive outcomes of this partnership in the realms of education, research, and professional development.

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